The math of a Sumatran Bike Tour.
- 13 days
- 50 hrs ride time
- ??? km
- 4 rides in a monsoon
- 1 volcanic lake
- 9 organgutans
- 8 elephants
- 1 peacock
- sh*t load of monkeys
- 0 flat tires
- 0 mechanicals
- 0 tigers
- 2 invitations to marry daughters in the Batak indigenous family
- 2 offers turned down to marry daughters in the Batak indigenous family
- 1 bus ride
- 1 indigenous wedding crashed
- 48 bananas
- 39 packs of peanuts
- 28 coconut waters
- 13 cups of Strong Sumatran coffee
- too many chili peppers
- 2 days lost on the road
- 1 night in an unknown place
- 1 useless map made into a paper air plane
= 1 exhausted Canadian
The Story to Come.