Crocodile Trophy

Australia is a country of just 22 million people but it has 11 of the worlds 15 most venomous snakes, oceans full of jellyfish and sharks making them unswimmable for certain months as well as countless number of spiders and other creepy crawlers. Yesterday I made the 3 hr flight to Northern Australia to the tourist town of Cairns where the 10 day Crocodile Trophy SR will start tomorrow. I have been sweating bucket’s since I got here as the 30 degree temps and max humidity are rivaling that of coastal Costa Rica. This place is creepy crawler central. Apparently all the bodies of water in the area are off limits to swimming due to crocs and jellyfish. I assumed all the croc warnings were like the bear warnings in Canada and more of a joke than anything. Nope, Croc warnings are for real as they apparently munch on tourists all the time! The next days few days of acclimatization could be rough without access to water.

24hrs was a tough race which drained the tank. After 8 days of recovery in Sydney the system warning lights have gone off. Thanks Jon Odam for taking me into your home for the week!

Racing in The Croc Trophy is going to be full tilt as it is 90% european with the likes of Bart Brentgens (Olympic Gold medalist), Urs Huber (Croc winner last yr) , Jaan Kirsippu (4 tour de France stage wins) and the European Marathon champion Allan Oras making the trip from euro land. I’m planning on holding back a bit and letting the crocs get the first few racers and then hopefully taking over from there.

Check out race updates at

3 thoughts on “Crocodile Trophy”

  1. 3rd place on stage one, way to go!We are following your moves and hope to hook up on the east coast when you're done.We are in Port Macquaire at Scott and Ricky's place now and will be then…full gas dude!

  2. Hey – we missed the after party at the Pier… did you go? Have you left Cairns yet… if not would be good to say hooray etc

    P&J – AKA brekky people on Croc

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